The Tiger During Holy Week

                            Super Full Moon April 2020

The Tiger As Our Teacher During Holy Week

The Tiger As Our Teacher
The Tiger at the Bronx Zoo has the Corona Virus during Holy Week and is dying for our sins so that we may be forgiven and resurrected. Just as Jesus did for us in another timeline. Both teachers.

Imagine yourself with the Tiger, at the Zoo.  Safely insulated from the disease, with divine presence—your guardian Angels. You have no worry of contracting this disease, as you were not selected as the new messiah.  The tiger was. You won’t be crucified on the cross, only asked to bear witness. Take a moment and find your courage and resolve, and continue.

Just be with the Tiger.  Look it into her eyes. Notice the golden color and the dark pupils.  Her pupils enlarge at the first eye to eye connection with you and then soften.  As if to say, “I mean you know harm. You mean me no harm”. Notice the beautiful colors of this magnificent creature, laying on the ground before your bent knees.  The golden brown coloring in contrast to the ivory white. The black defining lines and outline of the eyes. The size and perfection of the paws, the strength and nobility they imply.  The soft tuft of the ears, looking like bits of velvet beckoning your hands to touch. The Tiger closes her eyes and invites you to touch her fur, her ears, her whiskers. Just as you have many times with a domesticated cat in your own home.  You reply with a hand alongside the top of the head, the crown, down the spin to the shoulders and down. The perfection and imperfection of each stripe. Each unique and yet a part of the whole. “Yes, like humans,” the cat communicates to you.  You see yourself as a stripe. Individual experiences, thoughts, shapes, and soul. And then see yourself perfectly connected to their other strips—beautiful and unique—and yet, just one system. One entity, with all stripes giving and receiving the same energy, all part of the same beautiful beast.  All one.

You thank the tiger for the lesson.

There is more.  The tiger is dying and it is a selfless act meant to awaken you to more than the unique beauty and connection of your stripe to the others.  The tiger has eaten the sins of humanity. The tiger is the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness of this time, in real time. Not a long ago mythical story from the annals of Jesus worshippers. This is now and it is as much as Jesus was then.  All of it is within the cycle of infinity, and the tiger is where you and I stand on the cycle of ‘now consciousness’. Is this too simple of an event to be an event of Christ Consciousness? Isn’t this all about an animal? This animal is just a beast locked in a zoo and Jesus was just a poor Jewish carpenter’s son.  A lovely but beautiful stripe on a rug of stripes, offered his life as teacher, guide, compassionate soul, locked in jail, suffered horrible death, and died for your sins. And was inconsequential to many in his time. Just another beast in the zoo. But I challenge you to see the value in both, the two as the same lesson delivered at different moments, in different bodies, on the same cycle of time.

The Tiger and Jesus of Nazareth are both here to teach you and I. Teach us to become aware of ourselves and the consciousness of life in the Garden of Eden Earth.  The Christ Consciousness of love, empathy, compassion, and understanding yourself as one stripe of many connected to an entity of energy much bigger than yourself and whole of goodness and love and mercy which is unfathomable to a single mind.  It’s everything appearing as nothing. Just as Jesus appeared before Pontius Pilot as nothing more than a poverty stricken criminal awaiting sentencing.

And now we all stand here as Pontius Pilot and look at the tiger in the zoo. Here is your chance to either condemn or embrace what needs your love.  What needs your transformation. It’s about you changing, not Jesus or the tiger.

Saint Corona, a Catholic Saint, was considered to be the saint of pandemics.  The Goddess Eris, whose namesake was given to an asteroid in the Aries sky, where the Sun (or perhaps the Son), resides now, is the goddess of pandemonium.  Is the divine feminine awakening us to the dying tiger? The tiger suffering the sins of humanity. What are these sins? We sit in the pews of our churches, locked in our own homes during this pandemic, and wonder.  Plenty of time. Time to pray and meditate.

 As we look out onto our dying planet, we witness Gaia’s response to our sins. Our mistreatment of earth: land, air, water, fire (energy), minerals, ether.  Our abuse of one another and innocent beings of divine creation has created this plague. Coming to us as a dragon, from the East. And although the dragon is a fierce and frightening being, it is a powerful source from which to receive and transform.  The flames of the dragon burn away what needs to clear from our world, making room for us to create anew. A Springtime. It is both an honor and a terror to be with the dragon.

But the East represents our heaven.  

The pandemic originated in a human village in the East. On the continent of Asia. In a country where starving and suppressed people had resorted to capturing, torturing and killing wild animals in a marketplace of hell.  Once, Jesus overthrew the tables in a similar place, from an earlier story. We didn’t completely learn then, but have an opportunity to continue to learn this now. This current version of hell was brought to earth through human’s wrong relationship toMother Earth. Innocent, sentient beings once living in the wild, in sacred relationship with our planet as free and wild animals, then meeting with human blades, cages, chains and knives, soiling themselves in fear, raging back at their captures, waiting for their horrific crucifixion, on ‘Good Friday’ for all to see.

Bear Witness.

Their tortured bodies filled with adrenaline, cortisol, fear, anger and hatred and then fed to the human animals as a communion wafer. Communing with the Devil, bonded in fear. It entered into the human body as the physical embodiment of the ills of humanity. Laid onto the back of the tongue, above the voice box of truth, just under the horizon of eyesight. Laid to rest in the most unholy of moments. Lacking of compassion, empathy, love. This communion wafer making its way into our bodies and our souls and manifests itself into the form of the Corona Virus, Covid-19. 

Oh Saint, Coronia, what a message you have delivered.  And, Goddess Eris unleashing pandemonium and chaos across the planet.  The God Jupiter magnifying the event with Saturn, Father Time, across the entire planet for all of humanity.  Now frozen in stillness of time, with nothing to do but reconcile. The Gods and Goddesses deliver to humans a severe and profound teaching.  A teaching during The Holy Week. One of Capture, Jailing, Torture and Death. A story of a tiger and a man named Jesus. A story of tears, sacrifice, grieving and sorrow.  How could our own gods and goddesses have delivered this to us? Ah, and yet, how could they not?

Perhaps all is so that we may be born again. That we may be absolved of sins and  resurrect and ascend, as Jesus had done. So that his suffering, and the suffering of those who were lost during this time of pandemic, can be of service to those of us bearing witness. That we may see the light of the rising sun, the rising son, and salute it, and honor it. That we are granted the ability of knowing consciousness. We may learn that in the grieving and tears we have cleansed the misdeeds of humans, others have died for our sins so that there may be forgiveness and new life.   And now, as we are standing in our lesson, we have a choice. As always our destiny is created by us and divine source energy (God, Goddess, Great Spirit, Shiva, Allah, Elohim, Jehovah, insert-name-here).  

Your choice.

How does humanity go forward from here?  We move into the future together. First we honor those who have died, were traumatized or suffered at the hands of grief during this historical event.  We heal ourselves and help others to heal. We do the work through meditation, prayer, yoga, service, food choice, singing, connection with nature, doing what we love, etc. Then, we begin anew. Imagining a new world.  Holding the space for it to unfold. Putting into action our higher ideals. Together, you and I are creating the new world, We are the resurrection of this Holy Week. We are the divine embodiment bringing heaven to earth. This pandemic has served as the flames burning away the hell and now we bring in the light of hope, new life and beginnings which support the evolution of humans on earth. Living in a space of right relationship with our planet, ourselves and others.  This is heaven on earth. Be heaven on earth. Be.



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